Getting Started

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Getting Started

How do I add subscribers to a list?

You can bulk import subscribers from a file or you can manually enter individual subscriber details. Importing a list from...

What should I do after I upload my list?

To ensure maximum success on the program we recommend completing the following steps to have the most up to date...

How do I review my first campaign?

After you register your campaign preferences, our team will begin work customizing your campaign with your logo, website and social...

What should I expect when managing my ongoing campaigns?

Each month our team works hard to deliver turn-key campaigns to your inbox with topical, quality content to engage your...

I haven’t received my invitation to login to Campaign Monitor

If you haven’t seen your Campaign Monitor invite, we recommend you check your spam folder as sometimes it may get...

What emails do I need to whitelist?

We use emails as the primary way to send you timely information on when to take action such as when...

How do I log into the Insights Hub?

Your Extu representative will trigger an email invite to you and your sales reps to log in to Insight Hub. ...

How do I set up my company LinkedIn page?

Setting up a LinkedIn page is easy and can be a powerful tool to help you build your brand and generate leads.  Get started by following this step-by-step guide.