Engage your customers with unique custom content
Add a custom content article to you next campaign by filling out the brief form below
Each month, we curate a wide range of useful and topical content to share with your audiences in your monthly campaigns to help build your reputation as a thought leader and attract new audiences.
But did you know that custom content – content that is unique to your company – is also an effective way to engage your existing audience and strengthen your brand reputation?
What’s the difference?
Content marketing is about creating and publishing useful content that will attract new prospects and customers for your business. While there is some overlap, content marketing is primarily outward facing – things like whitepapers, ebooks, infographics as well as general topical content.
Custom content is focused on engaging your existing audience. It’s the creation of “branded content” for the customer. It nurtures a loyal audience and can provide much needed help to existing customers about questions about your services, product availability or even understand the values that sit behind your company’s work ethic.
Examples of custom content
Company Updates
Include updates like your COVID-19 responses, awards, new hires, special offers, and other company updates. See some partner examples here.
Include links to upcoming webinars your company is hosting or promoting. See some partner examples here.
Strategic Partnerships
Include links of strategic partnerships with your company showcasing your relationship between brands. See other partner examples here.
Company Events
Include links or info on any company events, community service participation, product demos, resources, and training. See some partner examples here.
Include links to your company or personal blog. See some partner examples here.
How does it work?
Click on the custom content brief form link
Go to the custom content brief form link to submit your custom article for the month.

Select your content type
Fill out your contact details, select your country (if applicable) and if you are briefing an article or a product.

Complete the questions outlined in the brief
Please complete all the questions listed in the brief form. Alternatively, you can also upload a compeleted brief for your custom content request however please ensure to take note of the character limits outlined in the brief form.
With landing pages, you can:
- Provide content to leverage the microsites we host;
- Link to your own landing page; or
- Not inlude a landing page at all
Copyright and Infringement
(i) you have the right to license Extu to use any copyright, intellectual property and other rights (Rights) subsisting in the material;
(ii) use of the material does not infringe any Rights of any third party;
(iii) no third party has commenced or threatened proceedings for infringement of the Rights; and
(iv) you have obtained from each author an irrevocable consent and waiver to any infringement of moral rights in the material.

Submit your brief
Once you have completed all the questions listed in the brief form click the ‘Submit’ button.
This brief will be sent to our production team to create and include in your next campaign. The turn around time for custom content is ~ 5 days so please submit your briefs as early as possible in the month the ensure no further delays to your campaign.
If you have any questions on your custom content submission, please reach out to our global production team directly or contact your Extu representative.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is custom content?
What is product custom content?
Depending on your program, you must include at least 1-2 product features selected by your sponsoring brand. You cannot feature or site any competing brands to the one sponsoring your brand.
What happens if I don't have enough content to create a full article?
How do I know what custom content I can or can't include?
We do not recommend you link to work from other other authors or writers as this will drive traffic away from your campaign. Instead, you can leverage one of the thought leadership article selections we make available to you each month that maintains the reader on your microsite and available to make inquiries that go straight to you.