Share your closed sales
Satisfy your sales submission requirement and help support the program
How to submit sales
Frequently Asked Questions
What receipts can I submit?
- Eligible receipts are copies of your customer-facing invoices (PDF or picture files) showing proof of sales of your sponsoring vendor’s products. Our team will separate qualifying from non-qualifying items on each receipt. (No need to do it yourself.)
- Detailed sales summaries are eligible for submission but may be audited.
- Invoice and sales summary submissions must contain the following details:
- invoice date
- invoice number
- end-user company
- product description
- product quantity
- unit price
- and total amount
- Please do not submit receipts from your distributor. If you are concerned about personal customer details, please read below.
- Receipts must be submitted within two months of sale (invoice date) and within 60 days of your last campaign send.
- Any receipts or deals you have previously provided will not count.
Why submit?
Your sponsoring brand(s) wants to know if/how their marketing support is helping you generate more business. By submitting your sale receipts, you are helping to justify your continued participation in this program with the brand(s) sponsoring your campaign.
What about my customers' privacy?
Please note that we will share all eligible receipts with your vendor(s) for validation purposes only. The vendor(s) will not contact your customers, nor will they provide your customer’s details to any third party.