Social Management

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Social Management

How do I post content to social platforms?

When you approve your campaign each month, you will be prompted to authorize Extu to schedule your campaign content to...

How often does content post to my social media?

Once you’ve authorized your campaign content to post to your LinkedIn and Facebook pages, the content will be scheduled to...

I accidentally authorized the wrong social page. Can I change it?

Yes, as long as the post has not already gone out. The Extu team can update this for you. Please...

Can I control the social media posting schedule?

Yes, you can adjust the default posting schedule on your LinkedIn and Facebook pages however this will need to be...

Can I post/share campaign content to Twitter (X)?

Yes, you can manually share your campaign content to your Twitter (X) page. There are also social share buttons on...

Will content post to my LinkedIn and Facebook company pages or my personal pages?

You can choose which LinkedIn and Facebook pages your campaign content is scheduled to. After you authorize Extu to post...

How do I get admin access to my LinkedIn and Facebook company page?

If you are looking to optimize your company’s LinkedIn or Facebook page, you’ll need admin rights to make changes. For...

Can I post to more than one LinkedIn and Facebook account?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, we highly encourage you to post to all your LinkedIn and Facebook pages – company and...

Can I add/update my company’s social media links in the campaign?

Yes, you can add or update your company’s social media links that appear in your email campaign via the self-approval...

How do I set up my company LinkedIn page?

Setting up a LinkedIn page is easy and can be a powerful tool to help you build your brand and generate leads.  Get started by following this step-by-step guide.