When will I receive the draft campaign to be approved?

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  4. When will I receive the draft campaign to be approved?

When will I receive the draft campaign to be approved?

You should expect to receive your draft campaign to review within the first and second week of the month.

Our vendor management team work closely with your sponsoring vendor to approve content on time but some months, vendors may take longer to approve content. If you haven’t received your draft by the 15th of the month, please reach out to your Partner Marketing Consultant.

Quick tip: We highly recommend you add other members of your team to receive campaign drafts, especially your sales team, so they know what content is going out that month and can speak to topics when leads come in. We also recommend you add your team to receive a copy of the drafts with their individual emails instead of a group email so we can track approval and change requests with the appropriate decision-maker.

Speak to your Partner Marketing Consultant about how to add your team to receive drafts.

To learn more about how to approve your campaign drafts, visit our campaign approvals page here.

Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 2021

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