What is custom content?

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What is custom content?

Custom content is content unique to your company that isn’t provided by Extu’s sourced content.

Custom content is focused on engaging your existing audience. It’s the creation of “branded content” for the customer. It nurtures a loyal audience and can provide much-needed help to existing customers about questions about your services, product availability or even understanding the values that sit behind your company’s work ethic.

Examples of effective custom content include:

  • Company updates like a new staff member joining to your team
  • Promoting an upcoming webinar or event
  • Strategic partnerships initiatives
  • Links to your company blog or any branded material

To request a custom article in your Extu campaign, please complete this form with the details. Custom content requests typically take ~ 5 business days to complete so we recommend you send your request via the form before you schedule your campaign or after you received the draft.

Check out our custom content guide for more details on custom content and to see examples of what other partners have included.

Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 2021

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