Can we have more than one admin for the program?

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Can we have more than one admin for the program?

You can add multiple contacts to help manage your participation in the Extu Through Channel Marketing program but there can only be one primary contact. The primary contact is the ultimate decision-maker on important account issues like who has access to your customer list etc.

You can add multiple team members for specific roles and communications to help manage various aspects of the program and integrate Extu campaigns into your sales operations.

We recommend you consider adding different team members to the following communications for the best setup:

  • Campaign Management: Add your sales and customers service team to receive copies of the campaign so they know what topics were included when leads and inquiries come in.
  • Subscriber Management: Add your sales reps to your Campaign Monitor account so they can continue to add their prospects to monthly campaigns.
  • Lead Management: Make sure your sales teams have access to the Insights Hub and are set up to receive lead notifications from your campaigns.
  • Sales Reporting*: Add your finance or purchasing team to receive reminders to report closed sales or have them set up a monthly reminder in their calendar.

On average, our best-performing partners include ~ 5 team members across various roles and integrate Extu campaigns into their day-to-day operations.

Speak to your Partner Marketing Consultant today on how to set up your team for maximum growth.

Note: We need permission from your team to add them to Extu communications. It’s best to inform them about your participation in the Extu Through Channel Marketing program and that we will be reaching out to add them to your account and receive future communications ahead of our outreach.

Check our account setup guide for best practices on how to set up your Extu Through Channel Marketing program for success.

Closed sales reporting is not required for Insurance and Finance programs.

Ultimo aggiornamento Novembre 2021

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