Is there a minimum list size?

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Is there a minimum list size?

Yes, for most programs there is a minimum list size of at least 50 email subscribers to join the program. However, we recommend a minimum list of at least 250 subscribers for better lead generation opportunities. 

Depending on your years in business you may have 10,000+ prospects or you may just be starting out and looking at how to grow your list.

Wherever you are in your journey, we recommend that you:

  • Start small and grow over time. If you do have a large list, don’t start with anything over 3,000 prospects for your first campaign.
  • Make sure your list is up to date.  The probability of contacts being invalid increases as time progresses. People change companies, and therefore their emails change! The industry standard is to make sure your lists are no more than 12-24 months old.
  • Make sure your list doesn’t contain opt-outs. When you upload a list to Campaign Monitor, all email addresses are considered active, so you’ll want to check and double-check that the individuals that have opted out are not on your import list.
  • Never add a purchased or scrapped list. Not only is this a universally bad idea that can leave recipients with a bad taste in their mouths, but Campaign Monitor will suspend your account if you receive a spam complaint rate over 0.5%, your account.

Check out our blog articles on how to grow your list organically or maintain your database against decline.

Extu Compliance Standards

Under your service agreement with Extu, you are responsible for compliance with local applicable Privacy and Anti-Spam Laws.  This means you need to make sure that you have made the necessary notifications and obtained the necessary consent from your customers when adding them to receive your Extu campaigns. Please see our General Terms of Service for more details.

Zuletzt aktualisiert November 2021

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