Can I provide my own content?

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Can I provide my own content?

Yes, you can provide your own custom content as long as it originates from your company. If it’s a 3rd party content/article, please make sure you are authorized to use it in your campaign.

To include a custom article, simply fill out our Custom Content Form with details of the content you’d like to include.

Please note that when you submit custom content, you are certifying that you are agreeing to our Copyright and Infringement terms which are:

(i) you have the right to license Extu to use any copyright, intellectual property and other rights (Rights) subsisting in the material;
(ii) use of the material does not infringe any Rights of any third party;
(iii) no third party has commenced or threatened proceedings for infringement of the Rights; and
(iv) you have obtained from each author an irrevocable consent and waiver to any infringement of moral rights in the material.

Custom content requests take ~ 5 business days to complete so we recommend you send your request via the form before you schedule your campaign or after you received the draft.

You can access the custom content article in your draft campaign or via the partner subsite.

To learn more about custom content or see some examples you can visit our guide here.

Ultimo aggiornamento Marzo 2022

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