Do you share my leads with any other companies?

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  4. Do you share my leads with any other companies?

Do you share my leads with any other companies?

No, any inquires or opportunities uncovered from your campaigns are sent directly to you and never with third parties or other companies.

We do share high-level pipeline information with vendors like deal size and timing as part of our RoI reporting requirements however we do not provide any specific lead information to vendors.

Some sponsors may require us to register deals generated from the Extu campaign in their deal registration system however for these exceptions, you will be notified before joining the program of the reporting requirement.

In line with our commitment to GDPR principles, we seek to protect personally identifiable information and limit sharing of more detailed information to the domain level, where possible. See our General Terms of Service and Privacy Notice for more information.

Please reach out to your Partner Marketing Consultant to discuss further if you have any questions.

Zuletzt aktualisiert November 2021

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