How can I grow my subscriber list?

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How can I grow my subscriber list?

When you first start building your marketing strategy, it can be tempting to purchase ready-made lists to kick off your Extu campaigns. However, this is a universally bad idea that can leave recipients with a bad taste in their mouths and your Campaign Monitor account shut down if your spam rate is higher than 0.5%.

A from-scratch subscriber list is best built organically and has been proven to lead to higher engagement and growth potential.

There are several easy and budget-friendly ways to attract prospects to opt-in to receive regular updates from you.

Set up subscribe forms and lead magnets

Some popular ways to collect email sign-ups include:

  • From your landing page
  • With exit pop-ups
  • A scrolling header bar
  • As part of a promotional offering
  • CTAs in your blog post
  • For loyalty program sign-up
  • On customer invoices
  • During the checkout process
  • As a link in your email signature
  • Pen and paper (yes, really)

Whichever route you choose, just make sure your users have given their consent and that your opt-in form is GDPR-compliant. It’s also a good idea to capture some general information outside their name and email if you want to later implement any personalization.

Reach out to your Partner Marketing Consultant to set up a subscribe form page for your Extu campaigns.

Promote across channels

Cross-promotional marketing helps to maximize reach by connecting with new audiences as well as existing networks. Consider running a webinar as a budget-friendly way to reach a broader audience or leverage LinkedIn network strategies to share content and drive sign-ups.

Read our full blog article on how to grow your list organically for more tips.

Mis à jour récemment novembre 2021

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