What happens if I don’t have any sales attributable to the campaign?

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  4. What happens if I don’t have any sales attributable to the campaign?

What happens if I don’t have any sales attributable to the campaign?

We encourage you to share back all and any closed sales for the month as we have our own team to establish attribution, saving you time and ensuring we don’t miss an opportunity to reflect the program’s effectiveness.

If you are having issues with generating pipeline or closing sales, you can let us know via a quick form we include in your monthly reminders or let your Partner Marketing Consultant know.

Sharing feedback on your current sales challenges allows us to source additional resources and find alternate avenues for meeting RoI to help continue support for your participation

Note: Partners who don’t share any sales data or have not submitted sales in 6+ months are most at risk of being removed from the program.

Learn more about how and why to report sales here or set up a call with your Partner Marketing Consultant to talk about options.

Closed sales reporting is not required on Insurance and Finance programs

Mis à jour récemment novembre 2021

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